Destination Sport recognises the part it must play in addressing the climate emergency, and is committed to reporting, reducing, and offsetting its impact on the environment.
We recognise our duty of care is not only to measure and offset CO2, but also to uphold our values to our employees, suppliers, and every person that travels or attends events organised by us.
Our group partnership with Greengage Solutions has allowed us to create and grow our sustainability plan, measure our impact as a business, consistently review our Sound Sourcing policy, and focus on five UN sustainability goals which align with our industry sector.
We are a business that is evolving at speed, and as such we expect our sustainability journey to as well. We will continue to strive to make improvements that will allow us to become Carbon Net Zero.
Our commitment to sustainability
Accredited with both ISO14001 (Environmental Management Systems) and ISO50001 (Energy Management), Portman Travel Group has long been a market leader in sustainability and took an early lead in reporting and offsetting emissions. As part of the Portman Travel Group, our credentials sit within this and include the wider context of sustainable values – social, economic, and environmental.
With our CSR, Environmental and Sound Sourcing policies, we have determined how commitments will be delivered. The Sound Sourcing Policy is designed to provide suppliers with clear guidance on how to align with our sustainable approach and to work collaboratively with us in support of sustainable business travel solutions.
High-Level Objectives
- To provide a year-by-year plan, with progress reviewed on a regular basis, as a road map for reducing our environmental impact and to achieving Carbon Net Zero.
- To report annually on greenhouse gas emissions in tonnes of CO2 equivalent (including the seven gases included under the Kyoto Protocol). This includes scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions from activities for which the company is responsible and a defined subset of Scope 3 emissions.
- To continually explore and implement measures to reduce the impact of the company on the environment.
- To continually explore and implement measures that will help our clients to reduce their impact on the environment.
- To work with our supply chain, and through our Sound Sourcing policy, providing guidance on how they should align with our sustainable approach and supporting initiatives that enhance their delivery of sustainable solutions.
- To work within the framework of the Global Goals for Sustainable Development set out by the United Nations
Measuring our business impact
The most recognised international accounting tool, the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, categorises greenhouse gas emissions into three groups (scopes). Scope 1 covers direct emissions from owned or controlled sources. Scope 2 covers indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating, and cooling consumed by the reporting company. Scope 3 includes all other indirect emissions, including business travel.
Scope of Measurement
A carbon footprint is measured by the total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced by an organisation’s direct and indirect activities.
This is presented as tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e). Destination Sport reports against Scopes 1 to 3 across UK operations.
Scope | Description | Example |
1 | Direct emissions | Not applicable for Destination Sport |
2 | Energy indirect emissions | Electricity consumption |
3 | Other indirect emissions | Employee business travel, employee commuting and disposal of waste |
Planning for Net Zero
Working with Greengage Solutions, a consultancy with a background in travel, meetings, and events, we have created a Carbon Reduction Plan that will see emissions decrease over the next few years, as part of a plan to eventually achieve net zero emissions. It is envisaged that some carbon offsetting or technology such as carbon capture and storage will be deployed to achieve the difference between actual and net zero carbon.
The Baseline
Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured. We are using 2022 as our baseline year.
Destination Sport’s total carbon footprint for 2022 was 143 tons of tCO2e. Calculations were completed using the UK Government emissions factors and using the methodology adopted in line with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and BEIS Environmental Reporting Guidelines.
Carbon Reduction Projects – Our Net Zero Approach
Destination Sport has a senior manager within the business, supported by the Board, to take ownership of sustainability activities. We will report our carbon emissions annually across Scopes 1-3 and publish the results. We have a comprehensive internal plan of related activities that is project managed with clear responsibilities and timelines. We will also report annually on progress towards our UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Employee Travel
We are focusing on ways to reduce the carbon emissions from employee commuting and business travel. We have a flexible working approach which reduces the amount of travel-to-work miles. Staff are actively encouraged to use public transport. Destination Sport has the Government Cycle to Work Scheme in place and we are aiming for the adoption of fossil-fuel free vehicles supported by providing electric vehicle charging points.
When company travel is needed for business purposes, we will always evaluate the potential for videoconferencing as the first option. There is a clear policy to reduce company travel and use the most sustainable alternatives, wherever possible.
Energy Conservation
Key to Destination Sport’s net zero carbon emission ambition is the adoption of energy saving measures.
The plan includes:
- Switching to 100%-renewable energy tariffs
- LED lights phased in across all locations
- Building management systems in place to conserve energy and reduce CO2
- A programme of Capex investment in newer, more efficient energy saving measures in equipment and buildings
- Installation of solar panels on company buildings where possible
Waste management and recycling
We are seeking to minimise our environmental impact through reducing waste and increasing recycling.
Initiatives include:
- Achieving zero waste to landfill with intelligent recycling in place
- Implementing a policy to eliminate the use of single use plastics
- A policy that new furniture and refits will use wood that is FSC certified from sustainable sources
- Donating surplus equipment and furniture for upcycling
Operational best practice
We are committed to optimising processes and employee behaviours in the business. We have reviewed our UK operations and aim for a policy of continuous improvement that contributes towards our sustainable goals.
Initiatives include:
- Purchasing paper that is minimum 80% recycled content
- Taking steps towards a paperless office environment
- Using eco-friendly, palm oil-free cleaning and hygiene products within the business
- Measures to reduce water use within our operations
Staff engagement
We are committed to involving staff our in our sustainability journey. Buy-in and knowledge within our own business is important in helping customers make better informed decisions.
Our approach includes:
- A Sustainability Team represented by different areas of the business, and championing eco-innovation and best practice initiatives, both internally and externally with our clients
- Providing sustainability awareness training for staff as well as regularly communicating our sustainability objectives and progress
- Keeping our teams informed as our processes are enhanced to reflect our increasingly sustainable approach
Supply Chain
We work collaboratively with suppliers to help them highlight and deliver sustainable solutions for our customers.
We intend to:
- Provide objective information to clients that enables fact-based decisions based on the green merits of different carriers and suppliers
- Implement terms and conditions that ensure suppliers demonstrate they are aligned with our sustainable practices and Sound Sourcing Code of Conduct
Our Objectives for the next 12 months
- Launch of Trees4Travel carbon management technology across all divisions providing carbon offsetting of travel through tree planting
- Further training for staff on sustainability best practice
- A virtual ‘Travelling Sustainably’ brochure, created to provide our clients with advice and tips for travelling sustainably
- Increasing our sustainability effectiveness when participating in expos and trade fairs. This will encompass our product offering and set up. including a focus on using sustainable materials
Supporting Clients with Their Sustainability Goals
We are working with clients, suppliers, and partners in the sports travel industry to influence and assist others on the path to net zero carbon. Destination Sport is committed to helping customers take environmentally friendly business decisions and travel options.
Here are just some of the initiatives we’re working on, designed to deliver a more sustainable travel approach:
- Detailed CO2 data for air, rail and hotels at point of booking to assist clients’ green decision making
- Online booking tool prompts to highlight more sustainable travel options
- Carbon offsetting at time of travel booking
- Best practice client travel policy templates
- Highlighting eco-accredited hotels to travellers at point of booking
- Detailed ICAO and DEFRA sourced CO2 management information to influence and measure company / traveller behaviour
- Support for clients to create their own sustainability and carbon reduction roadmap for travel, supply chain, CSR, energy and water conservation
Our Sustainability Partners
Sustainability is a complex area. Destination Sport works with a number of partners who provide us with specialist expertise:
- Greengage Solutions (a specialist in sustainable strategy in the travel and events industry) to advise on best practice, innovation and sustainable management systems
- Trees4Travel and Carbon Thrust to offset client carbon emissions
- Intertek who carry out assurance, testing, inspection, and certification for our ISO accreditations, including ISO14001 (Environmental Management System) and ISO50001 (Energy Management System)
Destination Sport is also active in influencing and collaborating with suppliers, including airlines, hotel chains and technology providers to promote alignment of policy and commitments.